Context is Key: How to Unlock Understanding of the Self and Others // El Contexto es Clave: Cómo Desbloquear la Comprensión de Uno Mismo y de los Demás

By: Andy Fernandez, M.A., LMFT Associate

“I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me.” Those are the words that Jack Nicholson’s character states at the start of Martin Scorsese’s amazing 2006 film, The Departed. It perfectly sets the tone for the character and the movie, but is it realistic?

Six Years Too Late: Why Couples Therapy Can Help Relationships at Any Stage // Seis Años Demasiado Tarde: Por qué la Terapia de Pareja Puede Ayudar a las Relaciones en Cualquier Etapa

By: Paola Ortiz, M.A., LMFT

In grad school, a professor shared a statistic from Dr. John Gottman’s research that stayed with me. His research shows that by the time couples decide to come to therapy, they are about six years “too late.” 

Therapy Cliches: The Stories That Keep Us Away // Clichés de la Terapia: Las Historias Que Nos Mantienen Alejados de los Servicios Terapéuticos

By: Paola Ortiz, M.A., LMFT

It’s 2022 and the battle to fight mental health stigma is still going. While the pandemic normalized therapy a little more, people still hesitate to seek out services or have an overwhelming amount of questions about the process, therapists, and counselors. This blog is dedicated to those who are on the fence; I promise there’s a clinician out there who’s right for you!